Tuesday, July 22, 2014

It Started With Food and Ends there too!

Recently I have hit my all-time high weight. I know, you want to know what it is right? Well, I am going to tell you. My scale this morning read: 210 lbs.

I am 5'6" tall. I have an athletic frame (broad shoulders, big muscles). Even when I was "skinny" I weighed 130 lbs and wasn't ever a "small" looking girl. I am not striving to be a size zero. I don't desire to be a model. I just want to be able to run around with my kids and be healthy and happy. I don't want to miss out on their lives because I am in bed with a migraine (which I have suffered from since childhood).

 I am tired of being tired. All the time. EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am sick of all the pain I have in my body constantly. I have been through two expensive rounds of physical therapy for pain in my shoulder. I sit on a heating pad every single night. I take two Aleve every single day. I CAN'T WON'T KEEP LIVING LIKE THIS!!!

A few months ago I watched this great documentary, called Hungry for Change and another one called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. It changed my entire life. For one week. I bought a juicer. I juiced for 1/2 a day. Healthy Eating Tip # 1: Don't put onion in a juice...even if the recipe calls for it. No one wants to drink onion juice. Then I went back to eating real food the processed food-like substances that I have been living on my entire life. Because juicing all my meals isn't realistic for me.

I have two little girls. They are adorable. And they like chocolate cheerios and fruit snacks. And why do they like that? Because I have conditioned them. When you want a snack, here have high fructose corn syrup, gelatin, and who knows what else instead of an actual piece of fruit. I mean, don't get me wrong. I buy fruit from the grocery store. Bananas, apples, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries. But those rot away in my fridge, and I have to make a 2nd store run to buy more fruit snacks...because I let them eat those instead of making them eat real fruit.

In my quest to eat better and live better and lose weight I found a book. Maybe you have heard of it. It is called It Starts with Food. And it is going to be the change that I need. For real. I can't keep living like how I have been living.

The best part, I am going to document my journey in this blog for your entertainment. I am going to keep it real. And sometimes it is hard to be "real" with your family and friends. I will share it...but I hesitate because I am afraid this will be just another thing that I start and fail...or get really gung ho about for one week and then give up.

Today is Day 1 of my Whole30 journey. Thanks for coming along.


  1. I believe in you and know we can do this together!

  2. Sister I can't wait to watch this Journey unfold. It will be amazing.and one I know either of us will regret. One day at a time and one prayer at a time. I know I will be praying before my feet hit the floor.

    1. And I will be praying for you as well too. We got this!
